Splitting up the Frame Clock

Readers be advised, this is somewhat of a deep dive into the guts of Mutter. With that out in the open, lets start!

Not too long ago mutter saw a merge request land, that has one major aim: split up the frame clock so that when using the Wayland session, each monitor is driven by its own frame clock. In effect the goal here is that e.g. a 144 Hz monitor and a 60 Hz monitor being active in the same session will not have to wait for each other to update, and that the space they occupy on the screen will draw at their own pace. A window on the 144 Hz monitor will paint at 144 Hz, and mutter will composite to the monitor at 144 Hz, while a window on the 60 Hz monitor will paint at 60 Hz and Mutter will composite to the monitor at 60 Hz.

glxgears on a 75 Hz monitor next to weston-simple-egl on a 60 Hz monitor.

All of this is roughly achieved by the changes summarized below.


In the beginning of times, Clutter was an application toolkit. As such, it assumed (1) the existence of a window compositor, and (2) the compositor is a different process. Back then, Wayland was still in its early infancy, and those assumptions wouldn’t conflict with writing a X11 window manager. After all, a X11 window manager is pretty much just another client application.

Over time, however, Clutter started to grow Wayland integration in itself. Deeper and deeper surgeries were made to it to accomodate it being used by a Wayland compositor.

In 2016, the Cogl and Clutter codebases were merged with Mutter codebase, and they all live in the same repository now. However, to this day, relics from the time when Clutter was an application toolkit are still present in Mutter’s Clutter. One such relic is ClutterMasterClock .


ClutterMasterClock was the main frame clock that drove Clutter painting. As an application toolkit, only a single, global frame clock was necessary; but as a compositor toolkit, this design doesn’t fit the requirements for multi-monitor setups.

Over the last cycles, there has been some attempts to make it handle multiple monitors slightly better by juggling multiple monitors with their own refresh rates and clocks using various tricks, but the fundamental design was standing in the way for making substantial progress, so it has been completely decommissioned.

Enters ClutterFrameClock.

ClutterFrameClock is the new frame clock object that aims to drive a single “output”. Right now, it has a fixed refresh rate, and a single “frame listener” and “presenter” notifying about frames being presented. It is also possible to have multiple frame clocks running in parallel.

However, ClutterFrameClock alone isn’t enough to achieve independence of monitor redraws.

Stage Views

Mutter has a single stage that covers the union of all monitor rectangles. But how does it render different contents to each one of them?

That’s one of the main responsibilities of ClutterStageView.

ClutterStageView was the answer to the need of drawing the stage at different framebuffers. ClutterStageView corresponds roughly to one monitor. Each ClutterStageView holds the on-screen framebuffer that the monitor displays; if using shadow framebuffers, ClutterStageView also handles them; and finally, it also handles the monitor rotation.

Now, ClutterStageView also handles the monitor’s frame clock. By handling the frame clock, each view is also responsible of notifying about frames being presented, and handling the frame clock dispatching

The frame scheduling related logic (including flip counting, schedule time calculation, etc) was spread out in ClutterMasterClockDefault, ClutterStage, ClutterStageCogl, MetaRendererNative, MetaStageNative, and MetaStageX11, but has now now been concentrated to ClutterFrameClock and ClutterStageView alone.

Actors, Actors Everywhere

When animating interface elements, the core object that does that is ClutterTimeline and its subclass, ClutterTransition .

Timelines and transitions saw frames whenever the master clock ticked. With the master now clock gone, they need to find an appropriate frame clock to drive them. In most (and after this change effectively all) cases a timeline was used to directly drive an animation related to an actor. This indirect relationship is now made explicit, and the timeline uses the actor to find what stage view it is being displayed on, and with that information, picks an appropriate frame clock to attach to.

For transitions, used extensively by GNOME Shell to implement animations, this is handled by making a ClutterAnimatable provide the actor, and for stand-alone timelines, it’s a property set directly on the timeline before it’s started.

This means that when an actor moves across the stage and enters a different stage view, the timeline will be notified about this and will decide whether to migrate to a different frame clock.

What About X11?

In the X11 session, we composite the whole X11 screen at once, without any separation between monitors. This remains unchanged, with the difference being where scheduling takes place (as mentioned in an earlier point). The improvements described here are thus limited to using the Wayland session.

Be aware of API changes

This is quite a substantial change in how painting works in mutter, API changes could not be avoided. With that in mind, the changes needed are small, and mostly handled transparently by GNOME Shell itself. In fact, in all of GNOME Shell’s Javascript code, only two places needed change.

To be specific, for extension developers, there are two things to keep in mind:

  • If you use a St.Adjustment. You must now pass an actor when constructing it. This actor will determine what frame clock will drive the adjustment.
  • Some signals saw their type signatures change, namely ClutterStage::presented, ClutterStage::after-paint.

Final Thoughts

This is a big achievement to Mutter, GNOME Shell, its users, and especially to the contributors that were part of this. The road to reach this point was long and tortuous, and required coordinated efforts of dozens of contributors over the course of at least 5 years. We’d like to take a moment to appreciate this milestone and congratulate each and every single contributor that was part of this. Thank you so much!

This Month in Mutter & GNOME Shell | May and June 2020

The volunteers and contributors working on Mutter and GNOME Shell have been busy in the past couple of months — so much so that we didn’t have bandwidth to write the May development report!

As a consequence, this development summary will have an above average number of changes to highlight.


Preparations for Customizable App Grid

As part of the preparations for a customizable application grid, a new layout manager was written and replaced the current icon grid code. This new layout manager is in many ways more suitable for current and future changes:

  • It follows the delegation pattern that is common to Clutter. As such, it is a layout manager, and not an UI element itself.
  • It allows more precise control over the how the grid is displayed.
  • It uses modern JavaScript practices and is, in general, a more maintainable and comprehensive code.

The most visible impact is that it now selects a row x column configuration that is closest to the aspect ratio of the display:

New layout manager on portrait mode

There are still improvements to make, especially with ultra-wide displays, but the foundation work is already there, and it will be vastly easier to fine-tune the behavior of the app grid on different scenarios.

Also as part of the preparations for a customizable application grid, the Frequent tab was removed. You can read more about the reasons for this removal in the corresponding issue.

Actor Tree Inspector

GNOME Shell’s development tool, the Looking Glass, received a handy new tab to inspect the actor tree:

Actor tree tab
The new actor tree tab in the Looking Glass

This new inspector has been useful for developing GNOME Shell, and hopefully it’ll help extension developers too.

App Folder Dialog Updates

App folder dialogs received a bunch of visual and behavioral improvements, such as covering the entire monitor, and not changing the size of the app grid itself. Take a look:

These dialogs are now paginated, and fixed to 9 app icons per page:

Paginated folder dialogs with 9 items

Like the app grid, folder dialogs now also have better support for touchpad gestures and Drag n’ Drop.

Updates to the Message List Popup

This year, GNOME Shell has a Google Summer of Code intern working on the messages dialog. As a preparation for this project, some cleanups and reorganizations of the message list popup landed. More work in this front is happening, and an influx of improvements is expected to come soon, stay tuned!

Other Changes

GNOME Shell now supports the PrefersNonDefaultGPU key of the Desktop File specification, and will set the appropriate environment variables to launch applications using a dedicated GPU when available.

An unfortunate oversight was causing the Do Not Disturb setting to be reset on startup. This bug was fixed. A potential D-Bus race condition when creating MPRIS media players was corrected. App icons do not vertically stretch in the top bar anymore. These bugfixes were backported to GNOME 3.36.

The rendered contents of labels are now cached in the GPU.

The code that deals with workspaces in GNOME Shell is old, but a large number of cleanups to it has landed (!1119, !1251, !1294, !1297, !1298, !1307, !1310, !1313, !1320, !1333), and even more is under review. These cleanups were much needed in order to improve the overall quality and maintainability of the codebase.

The Extensions app saw some improvements too. The Logout button now works correctly.

When the host system changes timezones, GNOME Shell now properly updates the timezone offsets of the “World Clocks” section of the messages popover.

Finally, the Wacom buttom mapping on-screen display received various quality-of-life improvements.


Layout Machinery Optimizations

A few exciting optimizations and improvements to Clutter’s layout machinery landed, and they bring groundwork for future improvements as well.

The removal of allocation flags allowed skipping the allocation phase of actors whose absolute position (that is, the on-screen position after performing the linear transformation of the actor vertices) didn’t change.

While routinely profiling Mutter, it was noticed that an abnormally high number of safety type checks were happening in a rendering hot path, during the redraw cycle. Those checks were removed.

Combined, these changes are of notable significance due to how expensive it is to recalculate the layout of actors. Some of them are also required for per-CRTC frame clocks.

Rendering Pipeline Improvements

Cogl now supports setting a maximum mipmap level, in addition to the minimum one, and background set a maximum mipmap level. This avoids creating mipmaps  that won’t be used.

Last year, MetaShapedTexture was made into a ClutterContent implementation. This change was important for a multitude of reasons, and will play a special role in the future with upcoming cleanups. However, it also introduced an unforeseen regression: Clutter paints ClutterContents before running the main painting routines, and this broke the existing culling mechanism of Mutter. After some investigation, culling was fixed again.

At last, MetaShapedTexture now uses a lighter, more appropriate function to combine opaque areas of windows.

Other Changes

Mutter saw a very, very, very, very large number of code cleanups. In fact, these cleanups combined got rid of almost the entirety of deprecated code!

Mutter also received a series of improvements to its test suit. These improvements range from fixing broken tests, make CI more reliable, add more tests, reorganize the entire test suit, among other changes.

Damage tracking, especially when combined with shadow framebuffers, is now working reliably and correctly. Importing DMA buffers is more careful about failures when importing scanout buffers. Finally, a couple of small memory leaks were plugged.